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New Beginnings

Posted by reudaly on April 30, 2022 in Life, Writing |

I’ve started Day Job 2 this week. I have a great team. It seems like an encouraging environment. Everyone is excited to have me and my skillset (I am trying not to let Imposter Syndrome come knocking). There’s a lot of information flowing right now that’s a touch overwhelming, but that will ease off in time. I had a bit of a support system already there, so that’s fabulous. We’ve redone my home office set up. It’s all snazzy and stuff. It seems like everything is pointing in the right direction.

There’s some adjustments in the after hours side of thing (as in — this job encourages work/life balance). I’ve been writing more consistently (if not a lot), and we’ll see where that goes. I want to be able to feel the writing again. The last couple of years have been a hole, as many creatives can attest. But I feel some of that dissolving and resolving. It’s still going to take some time and it won’t be like it was Before Times (that will never be the same), but I’m actually looking forward to whatever the After Times brings me now. I’m just tired of muddling through. I think these changes will be a big help in getting past that.

In the time between Day Jobs, we were able to do some stuff. We took a day road trip for no good reason except to do it. We did a marathon jaunt last Saturday. We started going to Austin to support friends for Willie Siros’s memorial service. Willie was a Sweet Curmudgeon who helped me be the writer I am by facilitating a lot of good relationships. He was a force to be reckoned with, and I’m pretty sure he’s organizing an amazing Post Life Bookstore and shooting the breeze with all the amazing authors who’ve gone on before. THEN we drove back to DFW, past our exit to help celebrate a good friend and fellow Redhead’s birthday. When we celebrate life – we don’t do it half way sometimes.

For the first time in a long time, I’m actually looking forward to what the near future brings. It seems like a new adventure and not the continuation of a long, dark tunnel. Which means I will probably figure out how to do pen blogs again, and what to do with this. We’ll see! Stay tuned!

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