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[Life] I’m Struggling

Posted by reudaly on August 14, 2021 in Life |

As you may have noticed, things have been quiet around here. That’s because I’m struggling. Yes, I realize that everything I’m about to mention is a First World Problem. Yes, I realize that many people have it way worse than me. Guess what? My struggles are mine, and I’m not competing with anyone else. My therapist “diagnosed” me with “Too Many Squirrels on My Plate”.

If you’ve wondered where my pen blogs and fiction blogs are? Well, I have no spoons for writing right now. My Day Job (yes, that I’m terribly grateful for) is ramping back up because of Delta Variant and Hurricane Season. We have not had a break in two years – I know because I’m the person who tells those stories. So, if you want to see me write more fiction and be more active here or in the fandom realm? Get vaccinated, mask up, social distance, and wash your hands. Just thinking about this virus and the politics around it makes me want to cry.

Lots of things make me want to cry right now. I’m making use of my shoulder surgery putting me near Insurance Out of Pocket to get some other things checked out. Including the *4* things wrong with my hands and wrists. Two of the things I can’t do anything about without major invasive surgery that the ortho doc doesn’t want to do (neither do I). Still waiting to be scheduled for my EMG (which I didn’t even know was a thing) to find out the extent of the carpal tunnel syndrome and what that treatment will entail.

REALLY should’ve gotten the Extended Warranty on my body…

Decided to do something about weight. Talked to my one doc that does that–and tried to communicate some of the challenges I have with the psychology behind weight loss. It was pretty much ignored. I meet with a dietician in about 10 days to see how to meet the doc wants that I cannot do on my own – because I’ve been trying for the last 10 days. Last week I sent my therapist a huge email about the stress I’m under about this decision.

I’m doing this even though my blood work is just fine – all in normal ranges. My blood pressure is under control. My metabolism is fine/no pre-diabetes or insulin resistance. I just don’t like the numbers on the scale. Because I’m using words like “fault” and “guilt” and freaking out over everything I eat because it all has to be tracked, journaled, and judged by someone else. I’ve already had at least one instance of “There’s no good food choice to make here, so maybe I just won’t eat” — which is NOT a good food choice.

FenCon is gearing up – and people are starting to cancel and we still have a lot of unknowns because County Judges and Governors are fighting over masks and mandates. Texas is a “personal responsibility” state. We have to move forward like it’s going to go on. We have every intention of moving forward and walking the line between caution and fun. There will be people unhappy no matter what we do. That’s just an underlying constant hum of stress.

So, I’m walking a line of exhaustion and emotional breakdown — so PLEASE, please be careful poking this bear. The Spoon Drawer is now to those tiny fancy teaspoons that no one ever really uses unless you do fancy English High Tea, and they don’t hold much.

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  • ScottZ says:

    I hope the stressors resolve soonest and as pleasantly as possible. I had an EMG many years ago (didn’t know that was what it was called, I remember it as a nerve conduction study. Found out I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (at the elbow instead of the wrist). It was a weird procedure.

    See you in a few weeks!

  • Mary says:

    I had an EMG as well, but all was normal. It was one step on the road to my 2020 shoulder surgery. Weird test but not memorably painful. I was expecting worse because of what I read online (which is always a mistake). Sending peace and good wishes to you for some relief and better days.

  • Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry — this has been a bad eighteen months for everyone, but for everyone on the front line (and you *are* among those people) of the COVID fight it’s been horrible. All you can do right now is be as kind to yourself as you can (and just because other people have it worse doesn’t mean that your personal stresses are unworthy of attention).

  • John Husisian says:

    I had an EMG years ago to correctly diagnosis my carpal tunnel. It did not present normally – the pain manifested in my shoulder rather than my wrist!

    I’ve had both wrists done about 7 years apart and a “trigger finger” release on my right ring finger a month ago.

  • reudaly says:

    Thanks! I’ve been working on self-care. Yoga started back up. And I’m doing research into secondary trauma in professionals in my lines of work. Mental health is becoming a major soapbox for me lately. Just need to apply it to myself as well as advocating for others.

  • Carma S. Watkins says:

    I am sorry you are dealing with so much stress right now. I love you and miss you, dear person with whom i share a birthday! Please be kind to youself and know that i am with you one hundred percent.

  • J. Kathleen Cheney says:

    I’m so sorry it’s all building up on you. I’m glad your taking time to work on your health. I’m in the same boat, no bad numbers but I need to lose some pounds. ::hugs::

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