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[Personal] Updating Status

Posted by reudaly on June 23, 2021 in Life |

So yeah, it does seem like I have dropped off the face of the blog. And I did. I’m six weeks out of shoulder surgery and in well into physical therapy. It still aches. PT is not fun but necessary. I’ll be weak on the right arm for a while. I call the arthroscopic scars my “crop circle” on some days, Scarhenge on others.

The Day Job is still the Day Job, but it’s going back to topics other than the pandemic. There’s part of my brain that can’t comprehend an end to the pandemic — even though we’re FAR, FAR from the end. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just finished a draft of a presentation documenting all the things we’ve dealt with for the last two years. It’s 45 slides long, not nearly detailed, and it ate my brain.

FenCon is ramping up. We’re having it. It’s been dramatic trying to figure out “should we/shouldn’t we” and how to make it all work out. Thank goodness I have a co-chair. Sarah’s the BEST. But that’s taking up so many spoons and will only get more demanding.

I’ve been writing a little when I have the spoons. But it’s kind of been a rewriting scenario. New content and new material hasn’t been happening. I feel it coming back, but I will fully admit to have hit a low I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s been a long 2 years. Thank goodness I have a therapist to talk to because it’s the only way I’ve gotten through this.

I am hoping as I physically heal, I’ll also get my mojo back.

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