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[Pen/Pencil Review] Been a Bit Sparse

Posted by reudaly on December 1, 2020 in Life |

I realize the pen blog has been a bit sparse lately. It’s not for lack of material. It’s been a weird time with the pandemic and such — as it is for all of us. It’s been tough to get the groove going on the reviews. So… what I’ve been doing is taking my giant bin o pens and pencils and have been sorting them by type and test driving them to see if they work. The ones that don’t are ditched.

I have them in pencil boxes by type and then I’ll start the whole categorizing of things – finding out what’s been reviewed and what hasn’t. I started the spreadsheet a couple of years ago and never did anything with it. And I can maybe even break down the boxes to color, so if I want to ink themes for a holiday season or month or whatever, they’ll be easier to find and use.

This is my pandemic project. I’m almost done with the function tests. Then we’ll see where we go from there. It’s a ridiculous project, but hey what else are pandemics for?

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