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[Write the Story] Last Call at a Bar in a Big City

Posted by reudaly on July 31, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Last Call at a Bar in a Big City

Words: doppelganger, platypus, jazz, alienated, bikini, constitution, batter, temper, basin, rift


Lois sat in the back corner table of the bar and watched the place empty out. She nursed her third drink as the jazz trio finished their set. There wasn’t much time. She pushed back form the table and headed to the ladies room and leaned against the basin, taking long, slow breaths. She just pushed back when the door flew open an a very drunk blonde stumbled in, giggling.

“Did you see the platypus in the bikini out there? Such a cute tail!”

“Um, no…” Lois eased past the blonde. “but that sounds amazing. I’m going to go look.”

Back in the bar, Lois heard the bell for last call. Any minutes now. A flash o flight behind the small stage. That would be the rift opening. She slipped closer. She could see her universe and her doppelganger on the other side. Was she covered in cake batter? Is it possible she alienated everyone in the day she was in Lois’s world?

“Come on. Let’s do this.” Lois held on to her temper. And with a nod to each other, they passed each other in the rift. Lois was home and it felt so good.

“Your mission? How’d it go?”

Lois smiled as she pulled a tube out of her waistband. “The new Constitution. Right here, Clark. We can put everything right.”

Word Count: 223

Written: 7/30/2020

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