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[Write the Story] A Mistake that Costs Someone’s Life

Posted by reudaly on February 21, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: A Mistake that Costs Someone’s Life

Words: Everglades, bulletin, fiend, crew, floss, humor, grease, kiss, link, notice


“You fiend! I can’t believe I let you talk me into this!” Kayla went for humor.

“Oh, come on, Kayla, it’s not like I asked you to crew a boat in the Everglades during alligator mating season.”

Kayla narrowed her eyes at Ted, hiding a glare in the guise of shading them from the sun. “Okay. So here we are, what now?”

Before she got her answer, Ted’s foot slipped in a spot of grease on the floor of the boat. His head kissed the side rail and he went over the side.

Hours later, Kayla sipped coffee on the pier bought from a candy floss vendor. She knew the police and Coast Guard had put out the bulletin for Ted. She also took notice that they didn’t seem hopeful he’d turn up – at least not in one piece or anywhere near the marina.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” a young officer asked.

“I’m not sure.” Kayla sipped. “He was there one minute, then just—gone.”

“I know it must be hard, but boating accidents happen all the time. Just one little mistake…one misstep is all it takes.”

“Yes. Yes, of course. The grease. He really should’ve been more careful.”

“Indeed. We see a lot of links between carelessness and accidents. Don’t blame yourself. There’s nothing you could do.”

“I won’t, and I know.” Kayla kept her head down. She wouldn’t, couldn’t give anything away now.”

Word Count: 235

Written: 2/19-20/2020

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