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[Write the Story] A Myth That Explains a Common Natural Occurrance

Posted by reudaly on January 31, 2020 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: A Myth That Explains a Common Natural Occurrence

Words: river mouth, punishment, warehouse, claim, coder, ache, bend, coop, dam, frown


“You know why the river mouth is so small don’t you?” Rod took a pull of his beer. Direct from the Coder his ownself!”

Rod rubbed his lower back as he straightened, wondering which would lay him out first, the ache in his back or the pounding in his head. “Okay, let me have it.”

“The small mouth is punishment from the Great Spirits for trying to tame nature. So the High Spirit reached down and put a bend in the river way up high where it would dam up the flow just enough to strangle the downstream and keep the flow out of the ocean.”

Bob tried not to frown. “But why? And for what?”

“What?” Rod wiped his hands on his ratty Bacon Warehouse t-shirt.

“What did She – the High Spirit – do that for? Was it something we – people – did or was She mad at the Ocean Folk or some weird thing that lives in between?”

“I don’t know. That’s the story the Coder told. Maybe they haven’t interpreted that part from the Binary yet.”

“Then I may not hold to that story I kninda like the Science side. Erosion explains a bend in the river just as well.”

Rod sniffed. “Suit yourself, but I’m not ticking off the High Spirit. She’s got Reach.

Word Count: 218

Written: 1/29/2020

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