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[Write the Story] Two People who Hate Each Other Have to Cooperate

Posted by reudaly on October 4, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Two People who Hate Each Other Have to Cooperate

Words: kidnap, pinstripe, quagmire, lofty, Adirondack, pinky, aftermath, kernel, legacy, fail

“We have a problem.”

Kitty cracked open on eye and glared at the lean, blond man in a pinstripe suit settling into the Adirondack chair next to her. Her hand slipped under the towel next to her and curled around the grip of her weapon. “Besides the fact one good splash would ruin that suit?”

“I hate to admit it, but I need your help, Kitty.”

That got her attention. “What kind of quagmire have you gotten yourself into, Michel? The last time we saw each other…”

“Yes, yes, we will go back to mortal enemies soon enough, but right now we have a bigger problem. A common enemy and another common goal.”

And thus, Kitty ended up working with Michel Poisson—again. But he had been right, and though she never trusted him, the story Michel told her had at least a kernel of truth. She’d run bits of the problem past her boss knowing she would pay for her own partial truths in the aftermath. Now she was atop Legacy Towers, the loftiest building on the Moon Colony, cursing her choices.

“Pinky Ferrell is about a third of the way down. We swoop down, grab Pinky, and get out. No way this can fail.”

Kitty smacked the back of his head. “Let’s just go kidnap the kidnapper and be done with it. By the way, I’ve rerouted the elevators. We have total control of the cars. No need to repel down.”

“No fun.”

“No good reason. Don’t make me regret this mission more.”

“Just remember. You get Pinky and whatever information he has, I get the prisoner.”

“I still don’t get why.”

“Pinky has my sister.”

Now she had motive and one more piece of information. “Let’s go.”

Word Count: 290

Written: 10/3/19

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