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[Pen/Pencil Review] South Korean Goodies

Posted by reudaly on August 14, 2019 in Review, writing instruments |

The last couple of weeks have been bananas. Next week is even more bananas. My time has been limited and last night I was offered homemade ice cream and then a major distraction presented itself, and I followed it. It was a challenge that I had pick up and run with. So I didn’t even remember this until this morning that I forgot to blog. One of the things that was part of all of this was a short visit from our friends who currently live in South Korea. Every time they come to town it’s usually with the coolest pens.

This is the current batch. Some are probably findable at places like Daiso – like the retractable cat pens. The one where the tail is the plunger is one of my favorites, but I actually love them all. The duck head plunger, the cats where the slide plungers are the tails. They are gel pens and fine points. But I singled out a few to show off.

This is a soft rubber cactus pen. The pot is the cap. No, it doesn’t post. I’ll go into more details when I do the individual reviews. The other was the “Little Tiger” 3-color pen. This is a red, blue, black ballpoint with feet and ears. So cute…

The one that is too adorable is the Toy Soldier that looks straight out of the Nutcracker. This guy will likely be one of my non-red and non-green Holiday Pens. The giant hat is the cap and it does post – but it’s amusing to see a hat on feet…
Toy Soldier pen
I will get around to doing real reviews, but like I said, it’s been a bananas couple of weeks that will continue through next week.

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