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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Astronaut Sent Me Sharpies

Posted by reudaly on May 22, 2019 in Review, writing instruments |

Sometimes when you think, “Oh, crap, I forgot…” something then happens to make you glad for a new opportunity. This is one of those times, and this is not going to be a typical pen blog. This is more of “Reason 1701 of Why Being A Writer Is Surreal and Awesome” PLUS a pen blog…sort of.

As most know, I have a new collection of short stories out called The Astronaut Stole My Sharpie and Other Stories. The title story was one I wrote for FenCon’s program book a few years ago. The whole story on where the story comes from is evident and part of the collection, so I won’t go into it here. I do find it awesome that I can count an astronaut as a friend. And one with a wicked sense of humor.
The cover of the book - The Astronaut Stole My Sharpie and Other Stories
I was able to show the collection’s galley (because timing) to said astronaut at Comicpalooza and made a fan boy freak out because he didn’t know he’d been standing next to an astronaut. Fortunately, he – the astronaut – knows about this story and his inspiration for it. He made an off-hand comment that I laughed off.
Envelope of the package
Yeah, now I’m just laughing. Today in the mail, I received a plain lumpy package with a familiar name on the return address. Inside? These two packages of Sharpies. More to be stolen over the course of time. Maybe. Or maybe I will guard them with my life. Because DUDE! AN ASTRONAUT SENT ME SHARPIES!
Two packages of Sharpies, one all black, one color burst
Sharpies are very ubiquitous. They last a good while and have decent versatility. There’s a reason they get used by celebrities and musicians to sign photos, CDs, and t-shirts. Mostly waterproof – some of them do wash off of fabric after a while. But you can’t beat a Sharpie for a permanent marker – and these are classic black and fun colors. So get you some – just not these. They’re mine. All mine.
Space shuttle mission patch

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