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[Write the Story] A Dinner Party

Posted by reudaly on March 8, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: A Dinner Party

Words: phoenix, canvas, homesick, evening, spicy, rooftop, cicada, orthodox, ding, spruce


“Do you ever get homesick?” Daniela popped a spicy cicada into her mouth and crunched down on the exoskeleton.

“For Phoenix?” Tania snorted. “No. You?”

“I miss spruce trees. Especially in the evenings, but I don’t miss everything orthodox about my family. Now I have a blank canvas for the rest of my…whatever this is.”

A ding drew their attention to the head of the table. Their host made a grand entrance to the rooftop dining room.

“Welcome on and all. Welcome to the rest of your afterlife. This is your ‘last supper’ wish. Tania, Daniela you both picked an identical list of people to have dinner with. Enjoy your meal and the conversation. Ask any question. You’re in the ultimate AMA.”

Tania rose her hand timidly. “Can we ask who you are?”

“My name is Michael. I’m your host, but not nearly as interesting as Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie, Jimi Hendrix, JRR Tolkien, or Michelangelo.”

“What about languages?” Daniela asked.

“Don’t exist here. Did you understand Tania?”

“Phoenix is in the United States. She speaks English. You’re Portuguese. It’s covered. Enjoy your meal.”

Word Count: 185

Written: 3/2/2019

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