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[Write the Story] Based on a True Story

Posted by reudaly on November 24, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

I am almost caught up. I really do have to write more. Much more. I have been very slow with my writing lately and that kind of sucks. I had great intentions for this weekend – holidays and such did divert. But I promise though I seem to live in this world…

I’m doing my best to tranquilize those squirrels…or find some ducks as they migrate.

Prompt: Based on a True Story

Words: Mongols, exception, gosling, elementary, coordinate, solution, tighten, shuffle, horseshoe, universe


“The Mongols used homing goslings to coordinate tactics and communications as they tightened their control of the Horseshoe Universe.”

“That line is not going to work on elementary students.” Cassidy rolled her eyes. “Goslings? Baby geese? How does that work in space?”

“I’ll have you know Goslings are easily adaptable, agile beacons named after a 21st Century actor – for some reason.”

“Oh, come on. Really?” Cassidy rolled her eyes again. “They’re kids but don’t think they won’t see right through you. That story isn’t your solution, Julie.”

“It’s not a story if it’s true. Besides, this is an exception, I can’t shuffle the lesson plans now.”

“But, Julie, really? Mongols in the Horseshoe Universe?”

“It’s true! I swear, Cassidy. There was a movie based on real events.”

Cassidy snorted. “Did you find the source material? Corroborate it with other sources?”


“You can’t use that as a lesson. Unless you’re teaching a unit on fiction writing.” Cassidy paced. “You’ll get caught and fired.”

“You assume I am teaching history. Maybe I am teaching a fiction class.”

Are you?”

“Based on a true story, baby. True story.”

Word Count: 186

Written: 11/1/18

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