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[Write the Story] Getting Away with Murder

Posted by reudaly on November 2, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Getting Away with Murder

Words: Snow Queen, windmill, tunnel, childhood, endanger, cypress, wine, horseback, temperature, imperial

“There’s so many things I wanted to do in my childhood dreams. Knowing red wine should be served at room temperature isn’t one of them.” Melinda said with an imperial tone in her voice.

Sarah Hannigan had heard it all before. Suspects took her through justification tunnel, trying to explain to her why they didn’t do what she knows they did. She watched the Snow Queen across from her. This woman was definitely tilting at windmills on galloping horseback trying to deflect blame, causation, anything else she could think of. Sarah let her. Two could play the cold shoulder game, no way she was going to endanger her case.

“Cut Ms. Lancaster loose.”

Sarah blinked as the detective sergeant burst into the interrogation room. “Wait. What?”

“You heard me, Hannigan. Her lawyer’s got a judge to seal the whole case. Nothing from Cypress Park is admissible. She’s free to go.”


“Ms. Lancaster is free to go.”

Sarah watched Melinda Hannigan gather herself and sweep out of the room with a Cheshire Cat grin.

When everyone was out of the room, only then did Sarah show any kind of emotion. She nearly dented to metal interrogation table with the force of the blow.

She wouldn’t accept the loss. She never lost. Even if it meant taking justice into her own hands. He’d done it before. She could do it again with no one the wiser.

Word Count: 235

Written: 10/6/18

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