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[Pen/Pencil Review] Enabler Edition

Posted by reudaly on October 2, 2018 in Review, writing instruments |

So, this started out to be a normal “Hey, I got a bunch of new stuff” blog. But as I was saving the file because puppies needed attention, everything went black with a no boot device message. But hey, I can struggle through on the iPad until we can figure it out.

This is not a typical review, it’s the “Yes, there really is such a thing as a pen show” blog with a bonus of having non-biological family in from South Korea who apparently have Office Depots with acres (exaggeration) of pens from Korea and Japan. They know they can bring a random selection.

I have so much new stuff to play with. I’m hoping now I have pretty, pretty tools maybe I can get my concentration back to use them properly to hit some deadlines I have coming up.

The Dallas Pen Show was awesome, if overwhelming. They are outgoing their space. But it always nice to be in a room with the Visconti lines and the other lines like Ryan Krusac that are SO FAR out of my price range that I rarely breathe around the table. Though if you look to the edge of the picture, there’s a Wonder Woman pouch…it’s a pen case made by Ryan Krusac’s daughter. MUST encourage such awesome entrepreneurial spirit.

We also got to meet up with George Fox from My Supply Room So Jimmy could pass along some pencils he collects and they talk about stuff through their blogs. Then we found out Brad Dowdy was there as well. Brad Dowdy runs The Pen Addict blog and Podcast and is the guy behind Nock pen cases. He’s the guy who showed me it was okay to blog about pens. It was so awesome to meet him in person. I fangirled just a little.

But now it’s time to walk the dogs, get some stuff done and enjoy the pens.

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