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[Write the Story] The Early Days of the Zombie Apocalypse

Posted by reudaly on September 14, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: The Early Days of the Zombie Apocalypse

Words: motherboard, buffalo, Eiffel Tower, raven, motorcycle, envelope, tulip, moon, reflect, sycamore


Kirk checked the address on the envelope before knocking the kickstand down and securing his motorcycle. He shook the sweat from raven hair as he tucked the helmet under his arm. He took off at a jog, moving from shadow to shadow, trying to remain, at best, unnoticed.

His destination lay across an open space. No cover. He’d be as noticeable as a buffalo at the Eiffel Tower if he weren’t careful. As it was, he risked notice just by being here…

“Oh…MOTHER…board!” Kirk caught himself from curing in the Samuel L. Jackson style. Someone…something moved in the shadows. He ducked behind a sycamore tree to wait. The shadow shambled into the square, dragging something with it.

The moon reflected off the glass building, illuminating the figure. The zombies made it all the way to the center of the city. Kirk had no way of knowing if his intel was still good, but he couldn’t turn back now.

Sickening slurps and crunches punctuated the night. The zombie dragged its dinner to darker shadows, perhaps not to share. Kirk used it to his advantage and dashed across the square. He ducked down the stairs and pounded on a door.



Hands dragged him inside and slammed the door.

“I bring medical supplies.”

But Kirk was too late.

Word Count: 217

Written: 8/21/18

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