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[Write the Story] The Main Character Goes on a Trip Alone to Gain Perspective

Posted by reudaly on July 27, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: The Main Character Goes on a Trip Alone to Gain Perspective

Words: lighthouse, flock, muscle, sprinkle, insult, cliffhanger, cheetah, chartreuse, wrist, seedling


Now that Kira was here, she started to wonder why. When she began, it was a personal quest, maybe even a Hero’s Journey. But here she was, far from home with a seedling in her hand.

“What am I doing here?”

A whisper of movement and a low growl made her jump. A shadow moved through the shadows cheetah-quick. She thought she caught a glimpse of chartreuse before it was gone. A flock of small birds flushed from the underbrush a moment later. She shivered and felt her pulse race in her wrist. She pushed onward. She was almost there.

She tramped through the rest of the memory forest, trying not to worry about phantoms in the shadows. She was alone. As it was done. Why couldn’t these Rites of Passage include friends – like in stories and books. But no!

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a string of profanity as she tripped over a root and most of her went sprawling. The muscle in her leg screamed in pain. She kept hold off her offering and limped on. To add insult to injury, it started to sprinkle. Rain dampening her spirit and her hair.

But then she stumbled into the clearing. The lighthouse overlooking the rocky scrag at the end of the world. She would plant her tree, pay her respects. Then she noticed the view. The Sea of Memory roiled and shimmered with memories of her race. The Song of Eternity called to her, closer and closer to the edge. Something grabbed her and pulled her back.

“Now is not the time for a cliffhanger,” a voice said. “Your time is not yet done.”

But she’d found her place.

Word Count: 281

Written: 6/12/18

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