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[Write the Story] Having the Boss Over for Dinner

Posted by reudaly on March 9, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: Having the Boss Over For Dinner

Words: cerulean, chair, joyous, meatloaf, pallid, brioche, monthly, thirteen, forehead, video


“Take the cerulean chair, Mr. Roland. I’ll just go bring in dinner. I hope you like meatloaf.”

Rebecca normally hated the swinging door between the farmer’s kitchen and the formal dining room. But today she was grateful for it.

“Thank you so much for this, Rebecca. It could mean so much for my career.”

“Oh, joyous day, I’m sure, Thomas.” Her tone dripped sarcasm. “Warning would’ve been nice.”

Thomas had the good grace to appear embarrassed, a slight flush to his normally pallid complexion. “I am sorry. I’m not even sure how it happened. We were in a meeting about monthly budgets and before I knew it, I was inviting him to dinner. I didn’t expect him to say yes.”

“Grab the salad.” Rebecca wiped sweat from her forehead. “And the green beans. I’ve got the meatloaf and potatoes. One of us will have to come back for the brioche rolls.” She saw his confused look. “I got the recipe from a cooking video. It’s fine.”

But it wasn’t. It was odd. Mr. Roland ate all of thirteen bites of his dinner. Rebecca couldn’t remember much more than that. She awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and no memory of how the evening progressed. If anything, Thomas seemed even paler. That’s when she felt a burning pain on her neck and vaguely heard.

“You’re fully vested in the company now. I’ll see you for dinner every Thursday night. Red meat is best.”

Word Count: 244

Written: 1/2/18

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