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[Write the Story] An Intern Meets Someone for Lunch

Posted by reudaly on February 16, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: An Intern Meets Someone for Lunch

Words: father, continent, favorite, comfortable, highlight, drive, salesman, pair, mail, level


“Are you comfortable with the tasks I’ve given you?”

Megan scanned the list. “Yes, sir. It’s straightforward. But…are you sure?”

“If you wish to keep this internship, that’s the job.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Rinaldi.” Megan turned to go. “Sir? What this note here?”

“A lunch appointment I need you to keep. Be at that restaurant at noon. Sharp. I have reservations there.”

Thus began a whirlwind morning of driving, running, and convincing a salesman to let her have the order set aside for Mr. Rinaldi. She rushed to the post office to mail a pair of packages she thought should’ve gone by FedEx, but she was just the intern.

Just before noon, she staged into Level 42, the trendy, newest favorite spot for people like Mr. Rinaldi who had homes on the Continent. She had no business being in such a high-end place, especially since her internship with Rinaldi was unpaid.”

“May I help you, Miss?” the maître d seemed stereotypically stuffy. After she stammered out her incoherent story, he gestured. “This way.”

Megan was led to a table with Mr. Rinaldi and another stately gentleman, who rose. The second man was her father.

“Megan! Happy First Day. Give us the highlight of your morning.”

Megan had a feeling her challenges had just begun.

Word Count: 214

Written: 11/30/17

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