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[Write the Story] A New Take on the Arthurian Legend

Posted by reudaly on February 2, 2018 in Write the Story, Writing |

Prompt: A New Take on the Arthurian Legend

Words: Avalon, crossbow, orphan, list, comrade, corruption, lake, enfold, disgraceful, grass


“Do we really have to do the whole lake thing?” Avalon asked of the other women. “I know the whole dramatic entrance, hair floating in the water stuff looks cool, but it always makes me sneeze and wheeze. Totally ruins the effect.”

“Next she’ll ask us to not designate an orphan as our champion!” Ursula scoffed.

Avalon crossed her arms defiantly and stomped her foot in the grass edge of the circle. “This is my ritual. My champion. I get to do it my way, right? The list you gave me was a guideline not hard-and-fast, right? I mean, isn’t that where corruption starts?” They left her alone after that.

Avalon brought her comrades together days later to watch her ritual unfold. The SUV sat in the center of the Crossbow Mall parking lot not far from the Capitol. Excalibur – or its current incarnation – was embedded in through the windshield and into the cabin.

Whoever can remove this sword shall be ruler of this country.

The vehicle stood for weeks. People took photos. Made memes. Even posed with the scene. None even attempted to pull the sword. One bystander seemed curious, even touched the hilt then let go. “Who want to run this mess of a country?”

“Disgraceful,” Ursula said.

“I could’ve sworn if I built it, they would come.”

Word Count: 220

Written: 2/18/2018

Note: Written and posted out of order because of a Facebook Meme image I saw and didn’t want to lose the image or the momentum.

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