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[Pen/Pencil Review] Enter the Spreadsheet

Posted by reudaly on January 22, 2018 in Review, writing instruments |

I had super good intentions for earlier today – but meetings and such took care of all of that (including a meeting over lunch). But I’ve actually begun a major pen project that probably should’ve been done years ago when I started this blog.

The bin of pens (and sadly not all of them).

Enter the Spreadsheet.

I’m not an Excel person. There are people who can make spreadsheets sing and dance and even turn somersaults (isn’t that what a pivot table does?) Me? I’m barely functionally literate when it comes to spreadsheets. But… but it’s long past time for me to create a spreadsheet to FINALLY organize the above mess of writing instruments (and the ones not shown there). So, as I said on Facebook over the weekend, I willingly and of my own volition created a spreadsheet – with column suggestions from Jimmy (he’s the dancing spreadsheet guy).

It’s a slow start, but it’s a start!

The plan is to not only find the pens/pencils I haven’t reviewed yet. Perhaps revisit some of the really early pens that didn’t have the more objective numerical rating. Many may be old, discontinued, or what have you – but that could be the fun part of it.

SOME people got all silly and suggested I needed to forgo the spreadsheet and go straight to a database…to that? I just laugh. Spreadsheet is about the best I can make happen.

Darn it, Jim! I’m writer, not a data expert!

But I’m going to try. It’s part of the whole being better this year. Let’s see how it all works.

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