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[Write the Story] Doctors off Duty

Posted by reudaly on January 19, 2018 in Writing |

Prompt: Doctors off Duty

Words: goose, anatomy, Spanish, pitcher, topography, smoke, homeward, gritty, sailor, salt


“Don’t be a silly goose. No such thing as ‘just Spanish wine’.”

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Marie reached for the pitcher, letting the breezes from the beachside bar ruffle hair not kept tidy in quite some time. “Goose? My my, Tilda, you’d make a sailor blush.”

Tilda rolled her eyes at her friend and colleague. Sure, they’d gone through at least one carafe, but Marie seemed much more affected. Maybe her anatomy didn’t…No! Stop! No work. They’d finally escaped the hospital after ninety hours of duty for far longer than she could imagine. But now…now they needed to be heading homeward.

“Come on, Tilda. Last call.” Marie pulled everything away.

Tilda blew a raspberry as she drained her glass. She swayed on her feet, making Marie jump to support her friend. They staggered outside and down the boardwalk stumbling in the uneven topography.
In a whiff of smoke marred the salt sea air followed by sirens. Something was burning, something close to the bungalow the two young doctors rented for the weekend. The wind picked up, becoming hotter and gritty.

“We need to hurry, Tilda. Someone may be hurt. We might be able to help.”
Tilda pulled away, suddenly stable and sober seeming. “Will not. We’re off duty and now…maybe we’re free of everything.”

Marie’s eyes went wide. “What did you do? I’ll kill you.”

“Too late. In a few minutes, we’ll already be dead.”

Word Count: 239

Written: 11/8/17

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