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[Writing Post] Oh Bother

Posted by reudaly on January 10, 2018 in Writing |

It’s Wednesday… and I am not feeling this blog post.

I’ve been struggling with my Wednesday posts for some time, and wonder if it’s worth continuing them. The pen blogs and the story exercises are “easier” in some ways because that’s a concrete thing. See a pen, write about it. Type a short story from a notebook.

These? I don’t know the purpose of these posts any longer. I know I still have so much to learn about writing. I have so much writing to do, but I don’t know that I need to natter on about it. Or what I have to offer that others don’t. Maybe I need to figure out something else to write about or just go to two posts a week. Or maybe I’ll make it more sporadic. Talk about conventions and appearances and stuff. But take the pressure off of producing a weekly blog that isn’t accomplishing much.

Heck, I posted guidelines to an anthology I was editing on here. I apparently did THAT all wrong. Wrong time of year. No one saw the guidelines. People are donation-fatigued (totally get that). Whatever. But it’s one of those things that makes me do the “oh bother” thing. I don’t know if it’s going to go, but we’ll see.

And I know this sounds super whiny. But it is what it is. Just for the clarity, I’m not contemplating giving up writing at all – ever. I’m not fishing for comments or compliments (though, let’s be honest who doesn’t like a good comment/compliment every so often).

We’ll see.

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