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[Writer Post] Countdown to … All Kinds of Stuff

Posted by reudaly on December 20, 2017 in Life |

There are so many countdowns right now. Countdown to 2018. Countdown to Christmas. And most important (to me) Countdown to Vacation! In just TWO DAYS, I’m off work until January 2nd. It’s the first time in a very, very long time that I have time off that isn’t just a day or two for a convention or a long weekend. It’s pretty much going to be a “staycation” but still…it’s the real deal.

It’s going to be good to take a breath because 2018 (hopefully in much different ways) is going to be busy. The day job busy is going to be quite creative (which can be really fun, I hope). There’s a lot to do and ways to track it. I’m hoping that will also translate to everything else.

There’s going to be some focus on Work/Life Balance and a bit of self-care to make sure the important stuff doesn’t get lost along the way.

I’ve said all year that I have a lot of plans. I do love a good plan. However, there’s not been nearly as much implementation as there should of been.

That’s the goal for 2018. Implementation. Time to get stuff done rather than just make plans. I have a really good calendar and a lot of good intentions – not to mention a crap ton of pens that need using. Time to get to it.

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