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[Write the Story] Behind the Scenes of the Theater

Posted by reudaly on December 8, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: Behind the Scenes at the Theater

Words: loneliness, applaud, beg, jogging, memorize, admit, solitude, converse, eternity, marsh


Todd tried to block out the noise and controlled chaos in the wings of the community theater. He was willing to beg for just one moment of solitude before the curtain, but it was way too late for that now.

“Two minutes to curtain! Places!”

The cry from the stage manager seemed like both an instant and an eternity. This was his chance to go from understudy and stage piece to star, and he was strong enough to admit he was terrified. There had been a measure of comfort in the loneliness of the supernumeraries.

“Hey, understudy, don’t screw it up.” A muscle-bound actor shoulder bumped him.

“Stop it, Colton. Can’t you see he’s already freaked? Todd, you’ll do fine. Ignore him. He’s a jerk.”

Todd smiled tightly at his leading lady, Gina Marsh, coming to his defense on her way to her mark. All he had to do, besides stop staring at his Converse Chuck Taylors, was remember all the lines he’d painstakingly tried to memorize without having to rely on his tricky for jogging his memory.

The next two hours went by in a hazy blur. He never could remember what happened. Colton shoulder bumped him again. “I applaud you, man. You stepped up. Now do it again in two hours. That was the dress rehearsal.”

Word Count: 218

Written: 10/2/17

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