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[Writing Post] Getting Back in Rhythm

Posted by reudaly on October 18, 2017 in Life, Writing |

After a brief “vacation” – as in four days of recharging by unplugging – I’m getting my rhythm back. It’s still a little syncopated, but it’s getting there. Which is good because I have a deadline rapidly approaching. I’ve been working on it, but it needs to be finished and submitted. We’ll see how things go.

This is coming a bit late today because after taking four days off, my days are all askew. Yesterday was a Big Ole Stinky Monday for me. Today had the early leanings that I kinda forgot it was Wednesday (and a lunch meeting threw me off a bit as well). But here we are, figuring out if there’s anything pithy to say.

And while I try to come up with that pithy…something or other…our dogs are rampaging about the house in the cutest manor. Which is quite distracting and a bit loud but adorable. But distractions like this are fleeting because the rampaging only happens for like 5 minutes before they’re crashed out tired.

One of the cool things about one of the tasks I’m working on at the Day Job is seeing what people’s names – and I kid you not, some of them sound very, very alien. Whether it’s from other cultures or just creative spellings, I keep meaning (and need to not have good intentions) to write some of them down for future character names because that’s my biggest weakness – naming things and people.

Such a weakness that I’ve had stories stall out on me because I don’t know what to call a person, place, or thing. I don’t think I’m alone in that. It too a while (and sometimes it’s still a struggle) to be able to draw a line or leave a space and continue on with the story and not let myself get bogged down by something that may or may not be consequential.

Wow…that’s almost LIFE ADVICE right there. Don’t let yourself (myself, whatever) get bogged down by something that may or may not be consequential. As someone who dwells (okay, wallows) in stuff and finds it hard to sometimes let things go…that’s MY “life lesson” to start practicing.

So… let’s get back to writing and not getting bogged down. (If I make it a mantra maybe my psyche will stop laughing when I say/type that line).

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