[Writing Post] Back to the Land of Something
I’d say living, but I’ve been living just not online. There’s a good shift back to at least a semblance of normalcy at least in schedule if not in tasking. This has been a giant learning experience, and overall a very valuable one.
FenCon was amazing and I need to spend some time to do a write up. I need to get back to writing.
October is the Month of No. There are no major events planned until just before Halloween. There will be rest, writing, and relaxing. I have someone on standby to poke me on the writing thing. Jimmy will remind me of the other things.
November is another story. I start with World Fantasy where I have guest liaison duties AS WELL AS qualifying for one panel on Thursday. Which also then qualifies me for the mass signing on Friday. Yard Dog will be represented at World Fantasy. Bwa hahahahahaha. Then we have a fan group here. Followed by Waxacon – a first year comic con in Waxahachie. Then Thanksgiving.
Hence October being the Month of No. Yee haw.