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[Writing Post] SoonerCon 26 The Overview

Posted by reudaly on June 28, 2017 in Conventions, Writing |

Welcome to Wednesday! Woo! Wednesday means this week is chugging right along. I’m about to do a webinar/conference call about a Day Job Project. I’ve hit almost all of my deadlines at work for the moment. There’s been some progress in the fiction side of life. Looks like things are coming together – at least for now. (SHHHHH….don’t scare it!)

A photo of a Star Wars talk with audience and Timothy Zahn

Star Wars ARE Strong Women Panel with Timothy Zahn.

SoonerCon is in the rear view. I seriously <3 this convention – and they seem to love me and Jimmy (he helps with the Art Show). I've extolled their virtues before you can read about them in past blogs (type in SoonerCon in the search bar, and since I said search bar it's time for listener mail... oh, wait that's not me that's Stuff You Should Know). This year's SoonerCon was no exception.

The Guests of Honor and the Special Guests were fantastic. Only one of my panels was hijacked by the “Moderator with An Agenda (MwaA)” who apparently didn’t care that a GOH (and easily recognizable Person of Authority on the topic) was not only ON the panel but directly to the right of the MwaA. The agenda seemed to be in almost polar opposition to the panel title (yes, programming was made aware after the fact). It was still a good panel, but not what most of the panelists or the audience thought it was going to be.

(Note to new professionals – it’s okay to have a differing point of view, but don’t hijack and remember this gem of advice… IF a GOH is on your panel? Participate in said panel sparingly because majority of the time? The audience is there for the GOH, NOT you. True Fact.)

A photo of A Lee Martinez reading

Reading with A Lee Martinez

But everything else was awesome and polite and agenda free. Raised money for charity. Got in quite a number of steps. Sold some books – not sure how many, which is motivation to write more. Reconnected with fellow professionals (mostly because we’re the only ones up for the Koffeeklatches). Conducted wildly successful (if totally lacking a some joie de vie without Lys and Shado) LobbyCons.

A panel photo with Jody Lynn Nye

Jody Lynn Nye on the “Are You Funny?” Panel

Got to tell the story of how a Vincent Price movie messed me up for life to Victoria Price, his daughter who deemed the story “A great story (but not) but yes, a great story”. I’ve told it before and it’s too long for this particular post. But it made me a happy fan girl.

SoonerCon was a step in the total recharge I needed. DFWCon was a good jumpstart, but then all the travel hit. This was the last thing in the marathon Spring. I don’t have anywhere to be (except for the one panel on July 15th literally like 5 miles from home) until August. The suitcases are back in the closet for a month. Now I can start focusing on the Day to Day without part of the brain focusing on the NEXT THING AWAY FROM HOME. YAY!!!!!

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