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[Writer Post] Return to Balance — I Hope

Posted by reudaly on April 19, 2017 in Life, Writing |

I’m in the process of getting my mind back in the game after my hiatus week. Well…HAH. Last week was “hiatus” solely because all brain power was focused on the Day Job. We had an issue where I finally got to put some of my new Public Information Officer training into practice while putting the final prep on the department’s second largest (but higher profile) externally-facing event.

I was “Con Chair” for this Half Day, 2-track programming event. We had an “opening ceremony” (city leadership speakers and key note), two breakout sessions with three presenters each (6 panels), and “closing ceremony” which was a product demonstration. We had about 100 people who out rank me in so many ways (including my boss’s boss’s boss who was also one of my speakers). Everything had to go as smoothly as possible…SO NO STRESS THERE. Nope… and yeah, I totally checked my blood pressure that week (NOT). I took my meds, but I didn’t check the readings, don’t yell at me.

But everything is done now. I’m in “clean up” mode before hitting the road tomorrow for Spectrum Art Live! This is an artist/art convention. I have nothing to do there but be there. I’m not sure how to do that anymore – so like any good small press author (heck may also apply to big press authors) I will have a small box of books in the trunk of the car. Just in case someone asks, “Hey, where can I find your work.” And also… on Amazon in electronic format. Oh, and in just in case you were wondering, I can, indeed, take credit cards.

I’m totally treating Spectrum Art Live as the vacation it’s going to be. I might offer to spell artists who have booths/tables alone so they can have a break, but mostly I’m going to find a comfy chair in the (coffee) bar to talk to people, regroup, recharge, and write fiction. Because I need that. To be around other types of creatives will help recharge THIS creative and perhaps help me to relax – not that I know what that really means (just ask my yoga instructor and manicurist). And I’d really like to have that kind of energy back.

Until then, I are chore-like things that has to be done before hitting the road – like finishing the housecleaning for the dogsitter. Snuggling said dogs.

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