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[Pen/Pencil Review] Black Polymer Skull Pen

Posted by reudaly on April 17, 2017 in Review, writing instruments |

It’s a recovery week from a super busy week at the Day Job last week and prep for going to Spectrum Art Live on Thursday. So it seems like a good time for a novelty pen that I picked up…somewhere. I don’t even remember – maybe World Market. Maybe Party City. I think I found it around my birthday – so well outside the traditional Halloween realm.

This sucker is super heavy duty. It’s not your basic cheap plastic. It’s a solid polymer – maybe clay? It’s not stone, but has a heft like stone. The skull is molded with the barrel, so you’d break something (like a bone) if you broke it off. If you NEEDED a pen that also worked as a weapon, this one would do some damage as a sap.

The ink is a fine point black ball point ink with a stainless steel point. The ink flows well and has a smooth action. The diameter of the barrel is minutely tapered and relatively comfortable if you’re okay with the overall weight. It’s about 6″ long, so it’s long enough to be comfortable. It’s a bit top heavy with the skull top.

If you want to make a statement? This pen will do just that. I picked it up to make sure I got one – and figuring if I didn’t I’d end up with four as gifts.

The Numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – It’s better than I expected. The flow of ink is nice. The length and diameter are good, and it’s better balanced than expected
2. Look and feel0.5 – It’s not bad for a novelty pen. It’s top heavy. That can be tiring. There’s no cap, so take that into consideration
3. Material1 It’s a fun novelty pen. It’s a solid polymer. There’s no real breaking of this.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s an awesome skull pen that writes well and can be a makeshift weapon if needed.
5. Price Point0.5 – I don’t remember how much it was, but I want to say about $4. Which for a novelty is a bit much, but it’s not going to break. I will have to figure out if I can get the ink out and how to refill it.

4 out of 5 bronze pencils.

Pencil 4.0

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