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[Write the Story] Friends on the Town

Posted by reudaly on March 24, 2017 in Writing |

This one was written over two day – interruptions happen – but you can tell sometimes when thoughts are interrupted. I found an incomplete sentence in typing…and left it, because that’s the point of some of these exercises. If I do something more with these, I’ll fix the errors, but for now, you get the raw.

Prompt: Friends on the Town
Words: pizza, booth, college, restore, collection, rip, Buffalo wings, chiffon, butcher, display

“Anyone else weirded out by the fact our booth has a view of the butcher shop across the street?” Jenny asked, picking pepperoni off her pizza.

“Any weirder than all of us wearing chiffon prom dresses while eating Buffalo wings?” Kathy giggled into her soda. “Hopefully all that means is that the food’s fresh.”

The four college friends celebrating a Bad Prom Party. They’d decided to stop at the pizza and wings place just for the irony. Jenny watched the room. Something seemed…off.

“I don’t know. I kind of feel on display…”

Kathy rolled her eyes, channeling her inner teenager. “Puh…leeze, since when do you give a rip about what people think?”

“Since the guy behind the counter started looking at us like a collection of cutlets from the store across the street.”

The collection of fancy-dress women turned to check out the scruffy man absently wiping down the bar and leering their direction. Another chill raced down Jenny’s back as she realized the four were alone in the restaurant with a creepy dude on a full moon night. Suddenly, three scruffy men appeared with cleavers.

“Okay, girls. I refuse to become a horror movie cliché. Let’s restore faith in womenkind. It’s time to go Buffy on these guys.”

Things were about to get messy.

Word Count: 215
Date Written: 2/21 – 2/22/17

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