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[Writer Post] Gloomy with Patchy, Intermittent Doom

Posted by reudaly on March 15, 2017 in Life, Writing |

Today’s a weird day… it’s actually been an unsettled week. I’ve been questioning a few things and now a bunch of random…stuff…

I’m questioning whether or not I should continue posting the writing exercise stories. I’m afraid they’re not doing anything productive publicly. They’re still a good exercise. I’m going to still do them (I am stubborn that way) but if no one’s really reading them, or they’re getting lost in the blog and social media noise. If that’s the case, then maybe they just need to be in the notebook and left alone. Or maybe I can try selling some of them or something. See? Unsettled.

At the end of 2016 I walked with two co-workers. One left at the beginning of February for greener pastures. The other was let go yesterday for cause. Details are not important, but it leaves a hole. This co-worker was a younger professional who made some really stupid decisions. Decisions (are basically actions) have consequences. But now there’s kind of loss that’s being dealt with – along with certain logistics – and another co-worker complained that we were talking too much about it – when it’s been less than 24 hours and logistics are fresh. Um… even though it’s not like a death, it’s still a loss that needs grieving and emotionally dealing with. Thank you very much. There are going to be some other changes in the next couple of weeks which is also…distracting.

There’s some other stuff, too. Like feeling for friends who are feeling for friends dealing with the loss of a couple of shops at Scarborough Renaissance Festival due to a fire this week. We had people in and out of our house – and met new neighbors – over the weekend. And it’s the year anniversary of a couple of major losses from last year. The Kickstarter anthology I had a short story in the slush pile for isn’t ‘going to fund unless a miracle happens in the next few hours, so the only silver lining there is that I wrote a brand new story that’s going to be hard to sell.

So, basically, my writing this week is for crap and I’m behind on the ONE thing I have to do on staff for FenCon because I’m now dealing with swirling Brain Weasels – which amazingly enough – is a THING. Who knew? BUT… on the cool side. The weekend of the 24th we get all “culturefied” by seeing the 2nd installment of Intergalactic Nemesis THEN Brain Candy Live! And in August, we’re going to see ANIMANIACS LIVE! AND, AND, AND I signed contracts for a short story to be in SKELOS 3. So it’s not all gloom and doom. Just gloom with patchy, intermittent doom.

It’s going to be fine…eventually.

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