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[Writer Post] Plans, Man! Plans!

Posted by reudaly on March 9, 2017 in Writing |

I didn’t do a blog post yesterday (obviously). It wasn’t necessarily political (though I did wear red) I didn’t abstain from work – actually just the opposite. I was away from my desk for more than half my day for meetings. Yay? And then due to things happening from tonight through Saturday, there was major housecleaning to do – though I’m getting to the point in my life that (where cleaning is concerned) “Good Enough” is an acceptable goal. I have too many other things going on that “Grandma Clean” is no longer a realistic goal.

So let me be clear – the “good enough” is mainly a goal for housekeeping. It’s not NECESSARILY my goal for fiction writing. Though there is some of that. No piece of fiction is perfect. Sometimes we have to say, “it’s good enough, time to submit” or we never do. Of course, when it comes to fiction 9 times out of 10 I do strive for “Grandma Clean” – because clean copy in proper format (yes, I’ll talk about that again someday) and submitted professionally (which we’ll also talk about again soon) will get you READ so your talent shines through.

Now it’s time to make FORWARD PROGRESS. I’m moving forward on two outstanding projects (novel and short story) – and by outstanding I mean “not completed” not OUTSTANDING (though we all should STRIVE for that). I’m back in that groove – which is good, because I should have something to talk about at DFWCON which is a conference (which is different from a convention) in May (and another topic – maybe I should write these down on a calendar).

Though I’m working on those, there are other things that are going to take some priority as well. One is unearthing my desk at home (which I don’t use for reasons that aren’t important to this or any other story) so I can make better use of the printer and the like to move forward on ANOTHER project that needs doing.

Because I have PLANS, MAN! PLANS! We’ll see how things go. Stay tuned.

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