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[Writing Post] In Like a Lion Or Something

Posted by reudaly on March 1, 2017 in Writing |

It’s Wednesday. It’s a new month – Hello, March, please behave and let’s have some fun. It’s been a hectic couple of months. I spent a good chunk of last week catching up all my typing on outstanding projects – this is material that’s been in my notebook – longhand is an important part of my process but just sitting there while I stumbled along this season.

I’m working on not stumbling along. It’s probably not the brightest idea I’ve ever had to say “I’m going to focus better” at the beginning of Spring (allergies, blooming things, severe weather season), but I’m going to do my darnedest. There are ALL THE THINGS that need writing. There are many ALL THE THINGS that need finishing. There are SOME THINGS that need organizing. ALL of it need some time management and organization. Part of the plan is to take time chunks – this block will be X, this block will be Y, Z is when everything goes to heck in a handbasket and plans fly out the window (because that NEVER happens).

In cryptic mode…a potential opportunity presented itself yesterday on a random whim. If that ends up working out, there could be something fun happening later this year.

Still getting the word out about Chicken Fried Cthulhu Kickstarter. They’re trying to do a really interesting anthology for World Fantasy and are still have quite a way to go to meet their goal for putting it out. There are seriously good people involved in this project – and you should be too. Please support it if you can – just figure it as pre-ordering (because you know you want to!)!

So now it’s time to be “proactive” (today’s business-related buzz word) about all the stuff that needs doing – because sadly, it doesn’t do itself. Not that we’d really want it, too, right?

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