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[Personal] A rare speaking out post

Posted by reudaly on January 29, 2017 in Life |

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

I don’t talk much about politics or religion in public in general. However, things change. In the past I’ve let some labels apply to me. No longer, especially in charged time where the Bat Crap Crazy extremists have appropriated those groups/labels. I have never supported those who call those they don’t agree with names – like Repugnicans/Repugnants or called the First Family “Obummer” or “Moochelle” (that one hurt a lot as a larger woman), nor am I fond of “Cheeto in Chief”. We can do better than name calling.

HOWEVER… though I know why some people voted the way they did: Supreme Court appointees, promises of economic recovery, etc. I *hope* they didn’t see this coming. I think the “hope” was The Candidate being controlled by Party (which isn’t perfect by a long shot). BUT…now we’re seeing what he is capable of and it’s not pretty. I’ve grown up believing in Christian principles and Biblical teachings. I stand by “love your neighbor as yourself” and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” as FUNDAMENTAL Truth. I’ve not seen that lately. That’s not okay.

Nor is the blatant hypocrisy. I watched while there were shouts of “Executive Overreach” in the last eight years. I didn’t agree with a lot of what Obama did, but where are the shouts now? These harmful executive orders aren’t bringing out the same outrage by the same people. And make no mistake, they are harmful in both short and long-terms, we saw one this weekend. Our country was founded on immigrants and refugees – that needs to continue. Does the mean our system isn’t flawed? No. It needs work and thoughtful overhaul – AS DOES OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. You can’t just disband something or build a wall or detain legal travelers JUST BECAUSE. That’s not how things work.

I’ve grown up respecting the Office of the President. I still do. It’s an awesome responsibility. I do not respect the current occupant because he’s ALREADY broken the Oath of Office. He sees only the power but not the responsibility. I cannot support the actions he’s taken. Trying to silence people who disagree with you is never an answer – though I figure my friends list will be lighter after this .

I stand with the scientists and workers who are working to keep truth in the hands of the people – we have a better shot at this than in the regimes being mentioned because we have the internet. We have ways of connecting that weren’t ever available before. I’ve followed all the “Alt” accounts. I’ve not been a “write/call your congressman” person. That will likely change. If scientists and academics do run for office in the next cycle, I will do my part – as I have done my adult life.

I will not be a good person who does nothing.

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