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[Writing Post] The Children of Tendu

Posted by reudaly on December 14, 2016 in Writing |

It’s Wednesday. While I’m in the process of “re-redding” the hair in anticipation of a Christmas party this weekend (and I hate being called a blonde – I’m so NOT a blonde) I’m working on this blog.

I’m not an early adopter of a lot of things – especially technology. So I’m generally late to things like say, podcasts. But I’ve found one that I’m listening to. I mentioned it on social media after listening to the first episode – which was the most recent, now I’m going back to the very beginning. It’s The Children of Tendu with Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Jose Molina. I said “If you want to be a screenwriter at all? You need to check out @ChildrenofTendu (if you’re not already). @OKBJGM is awesome!”

I was wrong!

If you are interested in ANY kind of writing, professional development/advice, just all around good information – LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST!!! Yes, they talk about screenwriting. And dude, when I thought I wanted to be a screenwriter, when I was getting my Radio-TV-Film degree, I wish I had something like this. I swear I’m learning more than I did then about the actual way things work. BUT…BUT…BUT… back then, when I was a snot-nosed brat (shut up), I don’t know that I would’ve listened to them. I had my moments of “I KNOW EVERYTHING! Rules don’t apply TO ME.” Yeah… not so much – but NOW. NOW, dude, seriously. It may be about scriptwriting and working in television in LA – but it applies to… seriously, everything.

Start at the beginning. You won’t be sorry. And when they talk about challenges of women in LA and writing? They come out and say they can’t talk about that, that they need to bring on, you know, ACTUAL WOMEN working in TV to talk about that. I haven’t gotten to that podcast yet, but so awesome that they don’t even TRY.

Writers? Go listen. You won’t regret it. Not for a minute. It’s a master class on how life really works as a writer – and some bits are hard truths. We are not special snowflakes. Sometimes we have to play well with others and let others take leads. If you’re a prose writer and get lost in writer rooms and showrunners, etc? Think of it this way: Network = Publishing Company (Traditional – especially Big Six); Showrunner = Publisher; Strong Number 2 maybe Executive Producer = Editor; the producer level and staff writers? Yeah, that’s you. And sometimes it means sucking it up and doing the job (Hello, real world) and not being the star of the show.

MASTER CLASS. Seriously. Not just writing, but working with actors and agents and all kinds of stuff. They’re also entertaining. There’s some “NSFW” language, so it’s a bit salty. So if that bothers you? Be aware. The rest? There will be a lot that strikes nerves. LISTEN TO THE NERVES. It’ll push buttons – but in a good way. Learn. I am. Then go do – which I haven’t been nearly as good at as I needed to be lately. That stops. I haven’t gotten where I wanted to be this year – but let’s face it 2016 has been one body blow after another on a lot of scales. I’m not taking it anymore. I’m not going to settle.

I love my day job. It’s challenging and maddening and different and expanding. But it’s not my heart and my passion. And if this soul-sucking craptastic year taught us anything is not to take anything – especially time – for granted. So go listen, go learn, and go write.

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