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[Writer Post] Focus… I Needz It

Posted by reudaly on April 13, 2016 in Writing |

Welcome Wednesday, it’s a blog day and I’m staring at a relatively blank screen. The good news is that I’ve been featured in Lawrence Schoen’s Eating Authors this week. That’s very cool.

A story I thought I wrote really isn’t a story – and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Debating on whether or not it’s going to be done in time for a deadline, or if I’m going to be submitting something else. There’s also a market that didn’t take one story but wants me to submit something else – something funny – by the end of the month.

So, of course, the brain had come to part of a screeching halt on the creative front. So time to mess with a couple of other bits and pieces of stories to see if I can jog something loose. Because this is the year of forward progress – and I need to build on it.

I have a break from shows and events until June. This is the time to focus on the words on paper and getting more things under the belt. So many things on the “To Be Written” list that I have to figure out what to focus on and…well, you know, FOCUS ON IT.

Probably should stop talking about that and just go do it, huh? Y’all play nice now. Be back later.

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