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[Writer Post] JANUARY is FIRED and Writer Stuff

Posted by reudaly on January 20, 2016 in Conventions, Writing |

Wow. It’s been a hard month when it comes to losses. After all of last week’s deaths, we started out this week hearing about Glenn Frey from The Eagles. Though I wasn’t a die-hard fan, I enjoyed the music and his acting talent. He was an iconic musician and his passing leaves a major hole in music. But today I learned of the impending loss that hits closer to home… David G. Hartwell, editor. (There have been conflicting reports of his actual loss – but his condition is DIRE..) The link I shared earlier today has been retracted.

I did not know David Hartwell well – or really at all – I’m sure I encountered him either at World Fantasy in Austin in 2006 or World Con 2013 in San Antonio, but I don’t have an awesome story like many of my friends. He was just always a part of the SF/F community, an editor I always wanted to work with but never had a chance. He was THERE. A presence. A presence that will be sorely missed by those who had the privilege to work with him and know him.

Also found out this week that ApolloCon has been cancelled for 2016. I knew they were facing some logistical issues; I understand the decision. I hope they can come back from the break. I really do. Losing ApolloCon not only leaves a hole in my summer calendar – it leaves a hole in the regional map for artists, authors, and fans. It was the main – maybe the ONE – fan run literary convention in HOUSTON. That’s a HUGE hit to fandom. Houston has always had a fan base and has been a vital part of Texas Fandom. We need a convention there – and not ONLY For-Profit Comic Cons. We need to reach all the fans. We need ApolloCon to come back stronger than ever.

So with all the deaths and losses racking up – and it’s still JUST JANUARY! – January, YOU. ARE. FIRED! Security will escort you from the premises. Your things will be sent to you. There’s the door.

The ways January does not suck…
I still have the Half Price Books signing coming up on Sunday (1-3) at the Flagship Store just off 75 and Northwest Highway. Please come, even if you have all my books and such. The more people that come in for my signing encourages the store to take risks on other authors. So by helping one (me) you help all of us. Boost the signal!
I’ve made FORWARD PROGESS (the 2016 goal). After way too long putting things off – I have both my independent chapbooks up on Amazon in ebook form (you still have to get the hard copies for me – for now). It’s just another way to try do more with what I have while writing more stuff. I have the author page which has pretty much everything – anthologies, too – on it. It’s stuff that should’ve been done, and now it is. ONWARD!
Finally – CONDFW! ConDFW is Valentine’s Weekend, but please come out and support the fan run conventions. There’s a comic con in town that weekend – and I get the appeal – but the literary conventions are a lower key way to meet authors, artists, and have the opportunity to actually get to know them and learn something about the literary/SF world. We would like you to spend money with the dealer’s room and art show and authors, but it’s not as big of a money sink as the more commercial shows. Check it out. And help keep fandom alive and active in the area.

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