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[Writer Post] Catch Me if You Can…

Posted by reudaly on October 21, 2015 in Conventions, Writing |

So, yeah, I remembered on Thursday last week that Wednesday has whooshed right on by. This week is even more of a blur, but I’m doing my darnedest to get all my ducks…somewhere…before heading to Tyler for their Rose City Comic Con. Unfortunately, it looks like Tom Wopat had to cancel, but John Schneider is still coming! And Timothy Zahn, and a bunch of other awesome folks.

Part of the whoosh has been part of that committment to Tyler Rose City Comic Con – I agreed to be a short story contest judge. The deadline for stories is 5 pm TONIGHT, so many of the stories have come in in the last week. I’ve not gotten much done on my own writing for dealing with that. Some of that is typing stuff I started long-hand writing (I do that), and adding to the typing pile.

But one thing I did want to talk about was Star Trek Continues Episode 5 – “Divided We Stand”. Star Trek Continues is one of those web series I will continue to support – and not just because I’ve known Larry Nemecek for years through SF conventions, and have now met Vic Mignogna and Chuck Huber. But because of the INSANE QUALITY and heart this crew puts into the series. It would be so easy just to “recreate” the original series with the cheese and action and call it good. But this crew doesn’t do “easy”. Vic came up with a deep, bold story based on Civil War Earth history and the core concept of Freedom. He also directed this episode flawlessly considering what the story puts Kirk through (go find out what). I’m in awe.

Chuck Huber is a newish addition as McCoy – and this is his real test of what he can do as McCoy in a very, very difficult situation. I think he did a brilliant job. As a voice actor, Chuck can do McCoy’s voice, but this was actually so much more than delivering the lines like McCoy should. This was being “the simple country doctor”. Huber was more than up to the task. When you forget you’re watching actors…that’s a beautiful thing.

This was a deep, powerful story on a couple of levels – PLEASE, PLEASE go watch it and all the other episodes. Can’t wait to see what else they come up with – and they inspire me to reach a bit higher and farther… which is what the originial series did, too, when I was a kid. YAY! Seriously? This makes me a fangirl all over again.

Speaking of Chuck Huber – he and I will be part of the We <3 Art: Creating New Worlds Event on Saturday, November 7th at the main Dallas Public Library. Rachel Caine will be there along with a whole bunch of folks. Come see us there!

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