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[Writer Post] Twas The Week Before FenCon

Posted by reudaly on September 16, 2015 in Conventions, Writing |

Twas the week before FenCon when all through the house,
Every creature was panicking, including the mouse. (EEK!)
The boxes were stacked all high in back
In hopes the artists’ works were intact.
The welcome bags were lined up to be filled
With toys and snacks that did not need chilled.
Then I in my stress and Jimmy in his wisdom
Settled in to come up with some kind of system
To get through the next week sanity intact
Only to discover a deadline I lacked.
I tore open the files to find what I missed
Only to have to create a new list.
Then with a wink of the eye and flick of the pen
I went to work with a weird kind of zen.
Then one by one the days tick on by
With hopes that everything’s not done on the fly.
But as it is now, there’s stuff going crazy
And wondering if details will stop feeling hazy.
So onward to sleep with deeds being done,
Looking forward to next week and having some fun.

Yeah… so this is my blog post for today because I think my brain just broke a little. FenCon looms large on the horizon. A sort of final deadline for Redheads is JUST as looming with a veer off to figure out some panel stuff.

So enjoy the poetic “filk” of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”…

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