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[Writer Post] The Tarbox Station Book Launch Party!

Posted by reudaly on August 19, 2015 in Books, Writing |

Hello, Wednesday, and thanks for the Summer Cold Front. This blog’s easy to write. Yesterday was the Book Launch party for Tarbox Station at Roll2Play. I want to thank my friends and family who came out and hung out. Raven and Tiffany for letting us come and hang out. And to the random people who came into the store on a Tuesday.
It’s kind of fun to have a book launch at a game store – one, it’s a different set of people than who you might get otherwise; and two, in store’s like Roll2Play with a rental/borrow section, there’s stuff for people to do if they want to hang out until the end of the party. I introduced my parents to a game from Playroom Entertainment called, “Cosmic Cows” – which is getting difficult to find…
We ordered a cake with the book cover on it. Actually got it from my local Kroger for less than I thought (yay! Frugality), and managed to get it over to the store undamaged. We set out some desserts and drinks – with help from Tiffany – and books. We got there early, dropped off stuff, hit this lovely little Vietnamese restaurant right next door and had dinner.
IMG_4219[1]rge, but they were people I care about who were there to support a friend. That means everything. I even got to see a friend I haven’ t seen since we both escaped a soul-sucking place of employment. I want to thank everyone who bought books. I greatly appreciate it. I’ve had parties where no one’s showed up. Thank you for showing up.
If you couldn’t make it, but still want to be part of the magic? Order the ebook from Amazon or the print version at Yard Dog Press – or come see me, Mitch Bentley, and all the other Yard Dog offerings at FenCon.

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