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[Writer Post] Overwhelmed, Busy, and Loving It

Posted by reudaly on May 14, 2015 in Life, Writing |

So Wednesday happened yesterday and I totally forgot about doing a blog post. Oops.

I’m turning my thought processes around. This past month has thrown me out of my writing routine. I’ve not finished things like I ought – yes, part of this is “coulda/shoulda/woulda/oughta”. And now, it’s time to remedy that. Even though Real Life has been … overwhelming for the past month, it’s no excuse. I’ve been trying, but that’s not enough. Procrastination is something to be fought (though my pantry is now sorted back out – and the wardrobe needs thinning). Because that’s not what makes anyone successful.

But on the good side? My Day Job has transitioned me to a bunch of fun new responsibilities – which are completely overwhelming at the moment, but starting to settle out. And the responsibilities? Totally in my wheelhouse. Totally worthwhile. I just have to figure out the time management parts of it, so the rest of my life isn’t overwhelmed as well – because it does spill over.

I apologize to the other Redheads who are waiting on me to finish stuff (for the first time ever, I think). But I’m hoping this next draft is better than the first one. There’s an anthology I pretty much said I’d submit to, but the story isn’t anywhere near done. I need to remedy that. Then there are other projects that need doing as well.

But this week has been SO AWESOME. Even with the overwhelmedness and the busy-ness. I need more of this in my life. It’s good. I just need to channel it through the next six weeks of insanity that’s coming. We have ONE unscheduled weekend in the next six weeks. ONE. But what’s coming is going to ROCK. Let’s have an adventure.

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