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[Writer Post] Returning to Normalcy

Posted by reudaly on May 6, 2015 in Life, Writing |

It’s Wednesday, and I’m writing a blog. Heck, I’m writing. That’s something. It’s a step back in the right direction. I lost some time between the dog and the virus that blew through our household. Normalcy is slowly returning.

I’m trying really hard to get the Redheads rewrite done. This one has been a struggle for me and I don’t know why. I know the girls are waiting on me, which is why I’m plugging along on it. But I also need to get into my notebook and find out where I’m behind on other things and just get my act back in gear. I have no excuses. I have some reasons, but no real excuses. And now it’s time to shut up and get the work done.

I’ve been watching social media. I’m glad to see – for the most part – the Hugo kerfuffle has started to die. The constant bickering and posturing seems to have subsided. There are a few people I still want to slap silly because they find ways to continue to bring it up. They need to stop, because what I’m seeing isn’t “raising awareness” for anything. It’s not even discussion (thoughtful, intelligent, or otherwise). It’s being childish and pissy by continuing to poke bears that don’t need poking anymore. So, for the love of God, just STOP Let’s get on to the next issue.

Okay, so it’s a short post. I need to go harness the hamsters running loose in my head. I need to get my butt in gear – put words on paper/pixels. Because that’s the important thing.

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