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[Pen/Pencil Review] Light Up Shamrock Ballpoint Pen

Posted by reudaly on March 17, 2015 in Review, writing instruments |

Happy St. Patrick’s Day… and now for a day-late novelty pen review, the light up shamrock blue ballpoint pen.
So I like the fact that this pen is also a “fine” point ball point – not more than 1.0mm. It’s about 7.5” long, which makes it long enough to be comfortable, and almost too long. It’s fairly comfortable, but top heavy with the large, squishy shamrock topper with LED lights inside.
The light mechanism is a big finicky – sometimes it’s hard to get it to go off, and yet other times, you simply set it down and it starts flashing. The green plastic barrel has a curved grip to give a wider diameter at the grip, making it somewhat ergonomic. The matching cap is SNUG when on (of course it doesn’t post). The ink is decent and doesn’t skip. It writes well.
I picked this up as an impulse buy at a Hallmark store when I was picking up a birthday card for my Grandmother. It was $2.99 – which isn’t horrible for a novelty like this, and I think I’ll be able to keep track of it until next year. It’s a fun addition to the novelty collection.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 It’s decent. It doesn’t smear. It doesn’t have much drying time. For the actual pen part…yes. It’s good
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s an inexpensive, plastic pen. It tries to have some ergonomics. The barrel is smooth. But it’s top heavy with the shamrock.
3. Material0.5 It’s a novelty pen. It’s plastic with flashy lights that will wow some and annoy others. It is what it is.
4. Overall Design1 -I’m giving it a high mark because it’s a fun little, not overly expensive novelty pen. It’s designed to be silly and St. Patrick’s Day oriented. It does that. It’s also functional. So bonus.
5. Price Point1 – It’s mid-line for what I’ll pay for novelty pens. It’s cheaper than some but more expensive than others. I do want to say it was $2.99. So for grins and giggles… okay. And it didn’t hurt to give away knowing I wasn’t going to use it. And now it has a good home.

4 out of 5 Bronze Pencils
Pencil 4.0

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