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[Spotlight Post] Return of Procrasti-Brain

Posted by reudaly on January 23, 2015 in Books, Conventions, Spotlight |

Welcome to Friday – I have “Procrasti-Brain”. “Procrast-Brain is a condition that hits when you realize you have a ton of things to do in a relatively short period of time and suddenly the house needs cleaning, the closets need reorganizing, and that one misplaced gizmo that you haven’t needed in six months is now the most important thing on the planet… I haz it.

For quite the while I’ve had Three Major Writing Projects floating around out there. Guess what’s hit my plate in the last week? That’s right, ALL THREE PROJECTS – well, two have been here for more than a week (and one has just moved into a new phase). The third started hitting yesterday, and will land fully in the next week or so – which is motivation to get more work done except for the “YOIKES AND AWAY” Procrasti-Brain onset.

Which means you’ll see me promoting things like this:

I’ve talked about Star Trek Continues before. Vic Mignogna and crew do an astonishing job bringing back the spirit and feel of the original series. I don’t have a ton of money – so I can’t back all the creative (or health-related) projects I might like to, but there are some that speak to me. This is one of them – because I’ve met Vic, and I’ve known Larry Nemecek off and on for years. Also, The Original Series is one of the reasons I am who I am now. So, I’m I minor backer, but I’m a backer. And if you’re at all like me, please take a look and see if it speaks to you, too.

I actually picked the level in my budgetary range that garnered me the PDFs of the first three scripts because I want to see how they put together the episodes – there’s always more to learn. SO MUCH to learn…and do…I can’t wait for Episode 4 to come out and what they do with the next episodes. They’re close to their initial goal with plans for the stretch goals. I’d really like to see them be able to do more the way they are – as fans for fans and not for commercial reasons (though the acclaim they’re receiving is fantastic). Good luck to them.

Speaking of things to do… I will be selling books at NORTH TEXAS COMIC BOOK SHOW tomorrow and Sunday. Come see me and buy some books. And if you can’t come see me there, buy books from Yard Dog Press.

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