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[Writer Post] Farewell to 2014

Posted by reudaly on December 31, 2014 in Conventions, writing instruments |

Last day of 2014. Wow. Who’d’ve thought we’d ever say that? I remember reading 2014 (and about to be 2015) as dates in Science Fiction. And look, here we are. It’s been a long and winding year. The writing community has seen quite a bit of upheaval in the industry. We’ve said good bye to some talented friends and fellow professionals. Neither thing gets easier – ever. Here’s hoping next year has a few less upheavals.

It’s been a productive year, for the most part. I’ve done fewer short projects by focusing on some bigger ones. I’ve finished and/or submitted two novels (one has been picked up by Yard Dog Press). We’ve finished a draft of a potential new Redheads novel – so that was a brand new novelette/novella. I’ve written a couple of short stories for specific projects. Sold a couple of stories that have been looking for a home for a while. Still have a couple of those that I need to see where they are and what I can do with them.

I still need to do some thinking/reimaging of some reprints and chapbooks, as well as come up with some new stories. There are two bigger projects I need to focus on next year (with some wiggle room for editing and publication prep and whatever short projects come to mind) one’s a YA novella/novel (depending on how long it turns out to be) and the other’s a new Christmas play for church – both of which are started (ish). It’s the ongoing New Year’s GOAL (I don’t do resolutions) of GETTING STUFF DONE, DARN IT!

Still working on the Convention Schedule for next year – even though my awesome new Day Job is very flexible – it’s going to be very busy during the summer. But I will be out and about in 2015. So let’s be safe out there. And Happy New Year!

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