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[Writer Post] Tyler Rose City Comic Con

Posted by reudaly on October 29, 2014 in Conventions, Writing |

Last weekend was Tyler Rose City Comic Con (called thus because apparently Portland, OR has a Rose City Comic Con about a week before). This is a second year Comic Con – so there were some hiccups and growing pains, and the organizer looked kinda shell-shocked when we left. But in good ways. You see, for only in its Second Year? It’s completely outgrown its venue. Next year they’re “Gonna Need A Bigger Boat”.

A Dr. Horrible Team. It was AWESOME.

A Dr. Horrible Team. It was AWESOME.

I wasn’t sure what to think about this show going in, because 1) I still kinda think of Tyler as “small town” when it’s NOT. They have 100K+ population. 2) It’s new. But it allowed me to hit my Coffee Roaster Away From Home, and we don’t need a hotel to do stuff in Tyler. And the table fee was really reasonable, so the risk was minimal, and some of the named guests who were supposed were acquaintances.

There were some logistical hiccups, but George and Jennifer did their utmost best to fix what they could. I get the feeling this second year was a magnitude bigger than last year – which is a fantastic problem to have . The issue is keeping track and making that work. Which, after some jiggering with charts and tables and smoothing some feathers, we settled in for a decent show that possibly broke some fire codes. “Bigger Boat” syndrome.

Underdog and Polly - I had the theme song stuck in my head all weekend.

Underdog and Polly – I had the theme song stuck in my head all weekend.

We did miss seeing Mike Grell – and hope his health continues to improve. But thoroughly enjoyed seeing Timothy Zahn when it wasn’t my responsibility to make sure he had everything he needed for a good show. I did ply Timothy Zahn and, artist, Jeremy Clark with cookies. I traded Zahn cookies for cheese. Clark, well, we gave each other hard times at North Texas Comic Book Show and I promised him cookies to make up for it. I pay my cookie debts. 😎
My Superhero Buddy - Tugg! Hope to do more shows with him.

My Superhero Buddy – Tugg! Hope to do more shows with him.

I almost felt sorry for the actors who were there, though. They lined the back wall of an exhibit room – most were RIGHT across the aisle from Tugg the Bull Terrier – Tugg is an amazing rescue story and now comic book hero. And…well, dog. Tugg brought his brother Ajax. There were longer lines for Tugg and Ajax than Colin Baker at some points – because… DOG. Even I took Puppy Breaks when I could. Tugg’s people are the Ovards and they’re super-awesome folks with a non-profit called Tugg’s Pink House of Wuff.
Tugg TOTALLY STOLE the show - with the Rocket Fizz folk.

Tugg TOTALLY STOLE the show – with the Rocket Fizz folk.

Saturday was packed. I probably could’ve made more money if people could move better in the aisles, but I did okay. I’m not disappointed at all. It just seemed slow to me, but movement was difficult. The costumes were awesome. I got to know my neighbors and made a friend in Brian Raif – he’s putting his books out on his own – he’s good folk. I have his book in my bag and am looking forward to reading it. Sunday, sales were about equal to Saturday – but in different configurations.
The Dark Side Sock Hop - I WOULD TOTALLY wear the Wampa Skirt (not poodle, wampa)

The Dark Side Sock Hop – I WOULD TOTALLY wear the Wampa Skirt (not poodle, wampa)

And though the attendees started dwindling Sunday afternoon, there were still a good number of them doing panels and such until close to the end. I still don’t get why some vendors start packing up and out about 3-4 pm when the show doesn’t end until 6 pm (with Dire Warnings about not packing out early – though some probably had permission). I’m just one of those people, I guess, that believes if I’m contracted to do something I need to do it, AND if I’m one of the Last Vendors Standing, I can get those last minute “hey, I still have money” customers.
Multi-Regenerational Doctors...

Multi-Regenerational Doctors…

I really do look forward to seeing what they do next year. The hiccups aside – those are growing pains – this was worthwhile enough to give it another shot. Hopefully next year I can talk them into letting me be on panels now that they’ve met me. 😎

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