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[Writer Post] More-er and Better-er

Posted by reudaly on October 15, 2014 in Life, Writing |

Oh, wow, hello Wednesday. I’m glad to see you. Now to come up with something to write about. It’s been an interesting week – with the potential to swing to really good or really bad. I’m in a waiting pattern. The outcome depends on other people and their schedules, so nothing I can do but wait. Wait and edit.

That’s my week. I’m doing a feedback edit on REDHEADS stuff right now. Since I started one part during FenCon week, I’ve gone back and started reading again, making more notes and such along the way. I just need to finish. I also need to get my head back into word generation… to be more like Neil Gaiman’s answer to “Are you a writer?” He said, “Mostly I’m a should be writing more-er.”

I should be writing more-er. I should ALWAYS be writing “more-er”. And “Better-er”.

And really, that’s all I really want to do. So…come on Nikes, let’s do it.

Also, to show that I don’t live in a bubble –
A friend of mine’s wife is one of the three female game developers with GamerGate related death threats from 4Chan. That guy needs to be stopped. I don’t identify with many groups because of the wingnut brush…but I’ll pull out a feminist card on this and say I stand with these women. We have equal talents and skills to produce/develop/and reap rewards for our work – whether it’s at home with kids or in the arts/sciences/Corporate Hijinks. If that offends anyone, bring it on. This Redhead can get Apocalpytic when she needs too. Everyone should feel safe in their homes and chosen industries.

Ebola is in my area but nowhere near me. I am in contact with no one who might’ve been in contact with the first patient. I’m not worried, except for one tiny factor – it that revolves around the first paragraph.

We weathered two rounds of storms with only minor leaf/limb damage – but now have a winter’s supply of firewood (for Texas) from our neighbors with more tree damage. We’re buying a camp stove once they’re restocked, because we don’t have one, and I should be able to make soup and coffee no matter what the power situation. Yes, I’m late to the preparedness game, but that’s changing (and yes, our can openers are manual).

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