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[Writer Post] Back on the Horse

Posted by reudaly on October 8, 2014 in Life, Writing |

It’s Wednesday. That means blog day. I’m trying to get my rhythm back. But we’ve had an eventful couple of weeks, and recovery from FenCon always takes a wee bit longer than other conventions. But I have work to do, darn it. And Day Job has gone through some upheaval – which means more scurrying and less breathing – and as we all know… breathing is a Good Thing.

So it’s Back to the Grindstone time. I have portions of the new Redheads to read and comment on. There are still short stories to write and projects to work on until book edits show up. Then I will drop off the face of the Earth to do edits.

We’re still in the process of buying the house, so there’s that. But it seems we’re getting closer and closer to a done deal. We are getting prepared for Winter as well (not that Texas has much in the way of real Winter). Last week’s storm has provided us some “reclaimed” firewood for those cold and dreary evenings. I’m determined (once they’re restocked) to buy a camp stove (why didn’t I think of that after the last ice storm?) so if we lose power for any length of time I can heat soup and water for coffee. Preparedness, it’s what’s for breakfast, and I’m kinda ashamed that I didn’t think of it sooner.

And, hello, it’s Fall. That means allergies are full bore. Whee! Snot what I wanted to do with my week. So if you see something that looks kinda incoherent – that’s me trying to be productive while on Benadryl. Or maybe it’s my Migrating Geese impersonation… honk, honk…

So, let’s get back to the races, shall we? It’s time to be productive again.

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