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[Pen/Pencil Review] Spotlight Ryan Krusac & Brandon Lee

Posted by reudaly on October 6, 2014 in Review, Spotlight, writing instruments |

So this pen blog is going to be a wee bit different. It’s going to be more of a spotlight because it’s pen related and I’m gearing back up for the real reviews. 😎 During FenCon I did my annual whirlwind pilgrimage to the Dallas Pen Show. Where I can usually do the “I’m just looking right now and will be back” to most vendors (you’ll see the ones who got my money as we progress). There was one double table that had me stopping and reaching for my wallet.

Brandon Lee in the white Chef Coat. Ryan Krusac and pens.

Brandon Lee in the white Chef Coat. Ryan Krusac and pens.

Ryan Krusac is an astounding artist who’s not only creating his own artesian pens (which I can’t afford yet – even though they’re not outrageously priced), but was also chosen by other companies (no I don’t have the PenWorld in front of me and I can’t remember which company he’s designed for…it starts with an L…maybe Andreas Lambrou). But I loved his own custom work – from ballpoint to fountain pen, Ryan Krusac works in a variety of mediums with an artistic flair to all of them. Yes, I want the Kraken design in dropped antler. If I had $850, I’d totally pick up one of his stunning Labradorite barrel pens.

But what was unique about this table at the Dallas Pen Show was Krusac’s partner. Modern Chocolatier, Chef Brandon Lee. Yes. A CHOCOLATE table. A GOURMET chocolatier. AT. THE. PEN. SHOW. Shut up and take my money. Lee does exotic blends that don’t seem like they should – but they do. Flavors like Curry Coconut and Stout Dark Chocolate (made with Guiness). I bought a $10 4-piece show box – and shared with very good friends because it’s just that rich. I should’ve tried French Roast and Raspberry Basil – but RICH.

Another view of the wares.

Another view of the wares.

They did pairings at the show – $110 got a (lower price point) pen and chocolate. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to blow my entire budget (and then some) on these guys. They were fun, personable, and dude… PENS AND CHOCOLATE – have coffee brewing there, and I would’ve never, ever left. All my vices in one place… /sigh.

If you get a chance to see these guys at a Pen Show – save your pennies, spend with them. Artisans need our support in the worst ways – or order from their websites in Georgia.
The numbers:
Let’s get real – there are no numbers… I can give them bronze pencils for being awesome and having kick-butt chocolate. They’ll get knocked one pencil for being in Georgia and out of my immediate price range. 😎

That’s 4 of 5 bronze pencils.

Pencil 4.0

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