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[Writer Post] Redheads, Hugos, and Resumes

Posted by reudaly on August 20, 2014 in Writing |

Wow. Wednesday. Hi, how are ya? Part of my brain really wanted to today to be THURSDAY – but I think it was because Tuesday was such a struggle that it felt like two days jammed into one. And it was “Real Life” stuff not writing stuff. Writing yesterday was…fine. Some days are like that – even when crap feels like it’s raining down on your head, you can still get words on paper.

The new Redheads is coming along. I’m past the halfway point, so it seems to pick up steam – that and I’m looking down the short barrel of the deadline. That always helps. Most of the way through the mid-point scene, which makes me happy – now to keep up the momentum. Though I do admit I’ve been dickering with a paranormal romance when I’m just not feeling the Redheads mojo. It happens.

Did find out over the weekend that I was mentioned in HUGO Award acceptance speech, which was way cool. The humbling part? My name was mangled in said speech. Hello, life, you’re cute. Congratulations to all the winners – and to all the nominees. It really is an honor to be nominated, so go you!

It's hard to get a good picture of Puppy Therapy. He keeps moving - I'm his favorite chew toy.

It’s hard to get a good picture of Puppy Therapy. He keeps moving – I’m his favorite chew toy.

And for the record, I did have a mini-meltdown yesterday. They happen from time to time. You won’t (I hope) ever hear me rant on about feed back or rejection of fiction in public. That’s something for my ice cream container’s ears alone – because I know whatever notes I get are for the good of the story. OTHER aspects of my life however – like resume feedback, yeah that’s kinda open season. I have a modicum of skill in my fiction and – yes – non-fiction. I can help other people put together resumes, since I spent time as a resume screener for a recruiter. Coming up with a kick-butt one of my own? Apparently not so much – that will be addressed probably over the weekend.
My very inspiring writing partner - doesn't he just scream motivation? Love that face.

My very inspiring writing partner – doesn’t he just scream motivation? Love that face.

Now, to do my lunch time walkies and puppy therapy, if Leo hasn’t gone to lunch with his human. If he has… I’ll settle for this photo of my writing and snuggle bunny.

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